Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Lesson: Make the Static move: create a digital flip book.

Lesson: (Three to four 50 minute class periods)Make the Static Move: Creating a Digital Stop Motion Flip Book

Target Age: Middle School
Essential Questions:
What is stop motion?
How are photographs used in stop motion?
How is stop motion created?

Students will become familiar and have a general knowledge of stop motion.
Students will post on a class blog.
Students will understand and demonstrate the use of a digital camera.

Digital camera(s), tri pod, memory card and usb cable- Ludke Library will allow check out of camera and trip pod. Encourage students to bring in their own.
Computer printer, colored ink preferred
Flip Books

Standards Addressed:

2.11, create a composition demonstrates an understanding of repetition, rhythm, unity, and harmony.
4.5 visualize concepts in clear schematic layouts; and to organize and complete projects
5.10 Students will critique their own work, the work of peers, and demonstrate an understanding of the formal, cultural, and historical contexts of the work.
6.6 Students will describe and analyze examples of art forms that integrate practical functions with aesthetic concerns.

Sugessted Procedure:

Day one: Intro

Materials: Computer:Internet. Flip Books.
Suggested Procedure:
Students will be introduced to stop motion by viewing online exemplars. Particular attention will be paid to Muybridge, flip books and a stop motion video found on: http://www.artmystic.blogspot.com/. (Also, animation cells may be of interest) It is important for teacher to facilitate a dialogue by using lead in questions concerning aesthetics, making static images move and how technology improved stop motion. Ie Muybridge photography compared to Amigas video. Teacher will also show students how to access class blog, and how to post comments.

Glossary: Stop animation, static images, blog.

Homework: Students will post on class blog: Artmystic.blogspot.com, and answer the following question: What have you learned about stop motion. Begin to think about how you would create your own stop motion picture. What static image would you make move?

Day 2and 3(if necess): Learning about the camera and functions, making something static move.

Suggested Procedure: Teacher will demonstrate basic camera features, how to take a stop motion photo, use tripod. Teacher will pair off students and have them take at least 40 photographs of a static image, utilizing basic principles of stop motion. Teacher again, will revisit and provide examples.

Day 3 or 4:

Materials: Digital camera, usb transfer cord, computer, printer, scissors, staples.

Suggested Procedure:
Students will transfer images from camera to computer using usb cord. Students should resize images to Jpeg, should be no larger than a postcard, all images equal in size. Teacher will demonstrate how to resize photographs if necessary. Students will need to order photographs in proper sequence. Students will print off photos and cut them out and make a flip book. Staple or bind together, however teacher desires.

Exit Pass Assessment:

1. What is stop motion?
2. Name an artist who uses stop motion technique
3. Please discuss your reason for selecting static image, and your stop motion process.
4. What were some of the challenges of the assignment?


Anonymous said...

Interesting lesson plan Kath. When are you going to come and teach it to my students? :)

Kristin Ashley said...

Thats such a great idea. i love the picture!